Prepress and Production

#6. Turn Your Old Press Into NEW
Decrease make ready, Increase Quality and Speed with your current press room equipment
Dave Hunter
Thursday, Feb 16 - 12:30PM-1:45PM

The industry is talking about the need to move to a manufacturing environment, not the Graphic Arts, but a Manufacturing facility. What steps can you do to improve the performance in the press room? Closed Loop, CIP Presets, Plate Curve, G7, are all terms that are used, but what are the differences? How do I know which one will most benefit my operation? This session will break down each tool and help you determine, which ones might help your operation.

Closed Loop, CIP Presets, Plate Curve, Color Servers, G7 methodology, are all terms that are used related to improving a press room, but most people do not know the differences. This session will explain in detail the actual symptoms of press room problems and go into detail on what the different solutions such as Closed Loop, CIP Presets, Plate Curve adjustments, Color Servers and G7 methodology solve these different problems so you can better understand which solutions should be a priority for your company, and what order you priority should be specific to your issues.

What you will learn:

  • What types of solutions decrease your make ready time and paper usage
  • Which solutions improve consistency- across the imaging area of the press and making jobs repeatable from week to week, month to month
  • Which solutions improve accuracy- making jobs accurate to proof or customer expectations
  • Which solutions allow you to run the press at faster speeds, more pages per hour

Who should attend:

Owner, VP Production, Plant Supervisor, Press Supervisor

#19. Color Matching Magic Across Any Print Process And Substrate
Dave Hunter
Friday, Feb 17 - 12:30PM-1:45PM

Printing service providers are printing on more types of devices, and substrates then ever before, which makes color matching more difficult than ever. This session will cover what it means to have color matching between print processes and the steps on how to do it.

This session will cover the difference between a Visual Color match and a Colorimetric match, and when to use each. It will help companies determine how many print conditions that they are manufacturing today, and how many ICC Profiles, and or Plate Curves are necessary to provide an accurate print as the final output. We will help companies determine the parameters to use to help them determine the optimum number. Too many profiles and plate curves become hard to manage, but too few provide poor accuracy on the final print. Find the optimum middle ground for your company needs.

What you will learn:

  • Difference between a shared visual appearance match and colorimetric match
  • How to determine what your printing aims should be for proof and press
  • How to determine your desired level of quality to determine how many curves
  • How to determine how many ICC profiles you should have to represent all of your print conditions
  • How to know when to update your Curves or Profiles
  • How to qualify your customers expectations for color accuracy

Who should attend:

Plant Manager, VP Production, Press Manager, Large Format Manager, Prepress Managers and Operators, Press Room Managers and Operators, Large format, Digital Press Operators